How to Start Layer Farming

What are Layers in Poultry Farming?

Layers are the female poultry bird which is reared for an egg laying. These are sexually mature birds producing an egg.

Laying Phase

The grower birds are transferred to a layer house at 18 weeks of age. The birds produce their eggs between 20 – 72/75wks of age that means the laying starts at 20 wks of age and will lay the eggs up to 72 – 75 wks of age, after that the egg production will decrease and the bird will be culled. This laying period is also known as laying cycle or biological year when bird reaches 5% egg production. The birds which completed their whole 75 wks laying phase is termed as “Spent Hen”.

Role of Light in Layer Birds

This light source enter in to eyes of birds induces response in hypothalamus, which affects the secretion of gonadotropic hormones and these hormone affect the activity of gonads and will responsible for reproductive behaviour of birds. Rate of egg production and aged sexual maturity are affected by a pattern of lighting.
Mostly in grower period the light should not be increase but in layer phase 22nd week onwards the light should increase at 15-30 minutes per week and it reach 16 hrs of total light [Means Natural light + Artificial light] at 33 weeks of age. During the laying period light should not decrease but increase 17 hrs light/day when birds lay for about 6 months of laying phase, light should not increase more than 17 hrs because there is not any kind of advantage over 17 hrs of light.

Feed Management for Layer Poultry Farming

The quality and quantity of feed with method of feeding has got major contribution in the environment component, controlling the productive performance. This feed accounts for 65 – 70% expenditure in production of poultry. Hence, the due care must be taken for correct feeding. Feed should be balanced, devoid of toxic principles, free from bacterial contamination and anti-nutritional factor. Both under and over feeding which leads to depletion of body reserves and excessive fat deposition respectively is harmful in the form of drop in egg production or stunted growth.

Egg Production for Layer Poultry Farming

Egg production from a Layer Poultry Farming depends on the care and farm management. If you take good care of your birds and manage them properly, then the production and profit will be high.
1. In the first 20 weeks of age, about 5% of hens start laying eggs.
2. About 10% birds start laying at their 21 weeks of age.
3. When they reach to 26 to 30 weeks of age, they produce highly. Although, it may be different depending on their strain.
4. After laying a maximum number of eggs, they usually stop laying for a few days.
5. After this period, their egg production might reduce slowly.
6. Egg laying rate and size of eggs increases gradually.
7. The hens grow till their 40 weeks of age.
8. Weight and size of eggs increases till their 50 weeks of age.

Heating for Layer Poultry Farming

damly poultry space heater

The critical temperature for layers is 20°C. For every 1°C lower than 20°C, the birds require an extra 1.5 g of feed per day. The most efficient temperatures for layers are between 20 – 24°C. When temperatures rise above 24°C, shell quality and egg weight will reduce.
Most of the Layers are raised in cages, so it’s highly recommended to use poultry space heater which can work automatically and produce heat homogeneously.
The position of the chicken air forced heaters are also important. We need to put the outlet of the poultry space heaters in one direction in order to make a heat cycle to make sure the heat homogeneous in the poultry house.

Poultry Space Heater Position