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What’s Hatchery in Poultry Farming

Hatchery The hatchery is a special building with controlled ventilation. It contains machines for holding and incubating a large number of eggs. The hatchery is designed with hygiene in mind and is laid out so that there is little chance of any contaminating organisms travelling back from hatched chicks to eggs brought in later. First […]

How to Heat the Chicken Coop in Winter?

In winter, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the cold and heat stress of chickens is greater. Improper ventilation of chicken farms and no heating equipment may cause the chickens to catch cold and even be infected with other diseases. So in the environment with lower temperature, the first thing to […]

Temperature in Poultry House

Temperature Layers are warm blooded (homeothermic) within a certain range, their body temperature is quite constant. On average, the body temperature of birds is between 41°C and 42.2°C. Body temperature is kept quite constant and is regulated by part of the chicken brain (the hypophyse). It takes some time before heat regulating mechanisms start functioning […]

How to Start Layer Farming

What are Layers in Poultry Farming? Layers are the female poultry bird which is reared for an egg laying. These are sexually mature birds producing an egg. Laying Phase The grower birds are transferred to a layer house at 18 weeks of age. The birds produce their eggs between 20 – 72/75wks of age that […]